Image of hops tea, hops leaves and hops cones


Hops tea, a fascinating and often overlooked beverage, has a rich history and a host of potential health benefits. Known for its calming properties, this botanical tea has been enjoyed for centuries.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about this herbal infusion, from its origins to its potential uses for various conditions. Whether you’re seeking a natural remedy for cramps, sleeplessness, or anxiety, this natural remedy might just be your new favourite brew.

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Hops Tea 101

 What are hops?

image of hops cones

Hops are the flowers of the hop plant, scientifically known as Humulus lupulus. They are most commonly associated with beer production, but their uses extend far beyond that.

Hops have a distinctive bitter taste and a fragrant aroma, making them a versatile ingredient for various beverages and herbal preparations.

image of people enjoying a cup of tea in the background with a pot of tea in focus

How is hops tea made?

To make this antioxidant tea, the dried cones or leaves of the hop plant are steeped in hot water. The heat extracts the flavors and beneficial compounds from the plant material, resulting in a soothing and aromatic infusion. Depending on personal preference, one can use either dried cones, or leaves, or opt for pre-made tea bags.

Different types of hops tea:

There are several ways to enjoy this relaxing tea. The most common forms include dried cones, leaves, and pre-made tea bags. Dried cones and leaves can be purchased separately and used to make a homemade infusion, allowing for greater control over the flavor and strength of the tea. Alternatively, pre-made tea bags offer convenience and are readily available in many stores.

Where to find hops tea:

Hops tea can be found in various places. Online retailers, health stores, and speciality shops often carry a wide selection of hops tea products. It’s important to choose organic and high-quality options to ensure the best taste and potential health benefits. Additionally, some grocery stores may carry hops tea in the herbal or tea section.

Dive into the calming world of hops tea! Discover the earthy charm of dried leaves (perfect for brewing your own soothing blends), awaken your senses with sparkling hops drinks (light, bubbly, and oh-so-refreshing), and even unwind with a luxurious bath adorned with fresh hops flowers. Embrace the botanical bounty, sip by blissful sip, and find your Zen with hops.
(Click on the images to shop the magic!)

Pack of dried whole hops flowers


On Amazon
Organic Hops leaves in a circle


On Amazon
4 cans of Sparkling Hops Tea


On Amazon

Potential Health Benefits of Hops Tea

General health benefits:

Hops tea is a treasure trove of health-boosting properties. Rich in antioxidants, it can help combat oxidative stress and protect the body from free radicals. The tea also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to improved overall health. Some studies even suggest that hops tea can support digestion and enhance immune function, making it a great addition to any wellness routine.

Sleep and relaxation:

One of the most well-known benefits of this calming tea is its ability to promote sleep and relaxation. The natural compounds found in hops, such as humulones and lupulones, have sedative and calming effects on the nervous system. Sipping a warm cup of relaxing tea before bed can potentially improve sleep quality, helping you wind down after a long day.

Glass alchemy, Zen in a box, muggy bliss. Discover hops tea rituals from brewing to gifting. 
(Click on the images to shop the magic!)


On Amazon
Glass coffee enamel mug


glass teapot


Anxiety and stress:

If you’re searching for natural ways to alleviate anxiety and stress, mood-boosting tea may hold the key. Certain compounds in hops have been found to possess anxiolytic effects, meaning they can help reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of calm. Incorporating stress-relieving tea into your daily routine may provide a soothing respite from the pressures of everyday life.

 Cramps and pain:

Hops tea also holds promise as a natural pain reliever. Some studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of hops can help ease cramps and alleviate pain associated with conditions like menstrual cramps or general muscle soreness. By sipping on a warm cup of pain-relieving tea during these uncomfortable times, you may find some much-needed relief.

Safety and Precautions:

Pregnancy and breastfeeding:

While herbal tea can offer an array of benefits, it’s important to exercise caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some studies suggest potential risks associated with consuming hops tea during these periods. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating hops tea into your routine to ensure its safety for both you and your baby.

Drug interactions:

Hops tea may interact with certain medications, particularly those that depress the central nervous system or have sedative effects. If you are taking any medications, it is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before regularly consuming hops tea to avoid any potential interactions or adverse effects.

Dosage and side effects:

As with any herbal remedy, it’s essential to follow recommended dosage guidelines. While this natural remedy is generally safe when consumed in moderation, excessive intake may lead to drowsiness or stomach discomfort. It is best to start with a small amount and gradually increase as needed, paying attention to your body’s individual response.

How to Make Hops Tea

Dried hops cones:

image of clear mug with hops cones steeping in water to make hops tea

To make hops tea using dried cones, follow these simple instructions:

  • Boil water in a kettle or saucepan.
  • Place one tablespoon of dried hops cones per cup of water into a tea infuser or tea bag.
  • Pour the hot water over the hops cones and let it steep for 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove the infuser or strain the liquid to remove any plant material.
  • Enjoy the aromatic and flavorful cup of hops tea as is or with a touch of honey or lemon.

Hops leaves:

If using hops leaves, try the following method:

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Add one tablespoon of dried hops leaves per cup of water to a teapot or heat-resistant container.
  • Pour the boiling water over the leaves and let them steep for 5-7 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid to remove the leaves, ensuring a smooth tea free from plant material.
  • Savour the gentle and herbal taste of hops tea, plain or with a hint of sweetness if desired.

Tea bags:

For those who prefer convenience, pre-made hops tea bags are a great option. Follow these steps:

  • Heat water to the desired temperature (approximately 200°F or 93°C).
  • Place one pre-made hops tea bag in a cup.
  •  Pour the hot water over the tea bag.
  • Allow the tea bag to steep for 3-5 minutes, or as per the instructions on the packaging.
  • Remove the tea bag and relish the comforting flavours of hops tea, either as it is or with additional ingredients like honey or lemon for added sweetness or tanginess.

Brewing tips:

Achieving the perfect cup of hops tea involves paying attention to a few crucial details:

image of someone pouring a cup of steeped tea
  • Temperature: It’s best to steep hops tea at or around 200°F (93°C) to extract the optimal flavours and benefits.
  •  Steeping time: Generally, steeping hops tea for 5-7 minutes is recommended. However, individual preferences may vary, so feel free to adjust the steeping time to your liking.
  • Additional ingredients: To amplify the taste and experience, consider adding a dollop of honey or a squeeze of lemon to enhance the sweetness or tanginess. These additions can complement the natural flavours of hops tea, creating a truly delightful sip.

 Hops Tea Recipes

Classic Hops Tea: Unveiling Serenity in Every Sip

This simple recipe unlocks the gentle, calming essence of hops flowers, perfect for unwinding after a long day or soothing a restless mind.

classic hops tea recipe card

Experiment with hop varieties: Different hop varieties offer unique flavor profiles. Try Cascade for citrusy notes, Citra for a tropical twist, or Willamette for earthy complexity.

Spice it up: Add a pinch of cinnamon, ginger, or cardamom for a warming touch.

Chill for refreshment: Enjoy your hops tea on ice for a refreshing summer beverage.

Reuse the hops: Don’t toss the used hops! Add them to your bath for a relaxing soak or compost them for your garden.
This classic hops tea recipe is a gateway to a world of serenity. Be mindful of the brewing process, savour each sip, and discover the tranquillity that lies within this ancient botanical treasure.

Enjoy, and remember, peace often blooms in the simplest cups.

Lemon Balm and Hops Harmony: A Dance of Calming and Zest

Combining the refreshing flavours of lemon balm with the calming effects of hops, this blend is perfect for relaxation:

lemon balm and hops tea recipe card


Fresh or dried? Adjust the amount of lemon balm depending on its form. Fresh leaves tend to be more potent, so you may need less compared to dried ones.

Play with proportions: Experiment with the ratio of hops to lemon balm to find your perfect balance of earthiness and citrus.

Add a touch of spice: Consider adding a pinch of cinnamon or ginger for deeper complexity.

Iced delight: Enjoy this tea hot or chilled over ice for a refreshing option.
Double the benefits: Both hops and lemon balm offer potential health benefits like relaxation, improved sleep, and digestive aid. So, sip with a smile and savour the wellness within.
With its combination of soothing comfort and bright zest, this lemon balm and hops tea is an invitation to slow down, reconnect, and find your inner harmony. Share a cup with a loved one, snuggle up with a good book, or simply relish the quiet moments this infusion evokes.

Happy brewing, and may your days be filled with calm and citrusy sunshine!

Dreamy Duet: Valerian & Hops Tea for Tranquil Slumbers

This gentle recipe harnesses the powerful relaxation properties of valerian root and hops flowers, crafting a soothing elixir that lulls you into a night of blissful rest.

Valerian and hops tea recipe card


Sensitivity to valerian: If you’re new to valerian, start with a smaller amount (1/4 teaspoon) and gradually increase as needed. Listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any side effects.

Enjoy responsibly: Avoid drinking this tea if you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications that may interact with valerian.

Alternative brewing: For a quicker infusion, combine the herbs in a mug and pour in hot water. Steep for 10-15 minutes before straining and enjoying.

Sweet dreams, guaranteed: This valerian and hops tea offers a natural approach to restful sleep. However, remember that consistent sleep hygiene practices are also crucial for a complete sleep solution.
As you drift off into a tranquil slumber, remember that calm exists within every cup. Let this valerian and hops tea be your gateway to sweet dreams and peaceful awakenings.

Ginger’s Zing Meets Hops’ Serenity: A Tasty Tea Odyssey

Prepare to tantalize your taste buds and soothe your soul with this invigorating blend. Ginger’s fiery bite harmonizes with the earthy charm of hops, creating a tea that’s both warming and calming. Perfect for a chilly morning or a post-workout wind-down, this tasty brew is a journey for the senses.

ginger and hops tea recipe card

Spice it up: Feeling adventurous? Add a pinch of cinnamon, cardamom, or black pepper for additional depth of flavour.

Fresh or dried ginger? Fresh ginger offers a more intense kick, while dried provides a subtler warmth. Adjust the amount based on your desired intensity.

Iced delight: Enjoy this tea hot or chilled over ice for a refreshing summer version.

Double the benefits: Both ginger and hops boast potential health benefits, from aiding digestion and reducing inflammation to promoting relaxation and sleep. So, sip with a smile and savour the wellness within.
This ginger and hops tea is an invitation to awaken your senses, embrace the warmth, and find calm amidst the day’s bustle. Share a cup with a friend, curl up with a good book, or simply relish the unique harmony of spice and serenity this brew offers.

Happy brewing, and may your taste buds and soul find pure bliss in every sip!

woman looking out of a window sipping a cup of tea

Additional Resources:

Where to find hops tea online and in stores:

To purchase hops tea, you can explore online retailers such as Amazon or the official websites of well-known tea brands like Buddha Tea. Health stores and speciality shops often carry a selection of hops tea. Don’t forget to check your local grocery store’s herbal or tea section, as they may stock hops tea.

Research articles and studies on the health benefits of hops:

For those interested in delving deeper into the scientific aspects of hops tea, various research articles and studies highlight its potential health benefits. Some reputable sources to explore include academic databases, medical journals, and online databases such as PubMed.


In conclusion, hops tea offers a unique and delightful way to embrace the potential health benefits of this often-overlooked beverage. From its historical significance to its well-documented calming properties, hops tea has much to offer for those seeking a natural remedy for various conditions. Remember to exercise caution during pregnancy and when taking certain medications, and always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

So, why not give hops tea a try? Brew a cup, sit back, and explore the wonders of this wonderful beverage that nature has gifted us.

For any further questions or queries, feel free to reach out to us through our website or connect with us on social media. We’re here to help you embark on your hops tea journey!

Disclaimer for Healing Health Blog

The content on the Healing Health Blog, including information about hops tea, is for general informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

  1. No Medical Advice: The information provided here is not a substitute for professional health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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Zugravu, C. A., Bohiltea, R. E., Salmen, T., Pogurschi, E., & Otelea, M. R. (2022). Antioxidants in Hops: Bioavailability, Health Effects and Perspectives for New Products. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)11(2), 241.

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