Get Your Blood Sugar Under Control Title with diabetic test instruments and healthy foods on blue background

Are you concerned about your blood sugar levels and looking for a dependable guide?

Your search ends here!

Let the Smart Blood Sugar book by Dr. Marlene Merritt be your guiding light.

Dr. Marlene Merritt’s book, Smart Blood Sugar, provides a comprehensive approach to managing erratic blood sugar levels. The program aims to target the underlying causes of blood sugar spikes and crashes, which are believed to be the root cause of many chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. The book offers a simple program that cuts through all the confusing and contradictory information about blood sugar control and zeroes in on the exact steps to take right now to manage blood sugar levels.

The Smart Blood Sugar program is a lifestyle and dietary plan that involves eating low-carb, high-fat, and high-protein meals and snacks regularly, avoiding sugary drinks and processed foods, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

Dr. Marlene Merrett profile pic
  • Dr. Marlene Merritt is a licensed acupuncturist and a certified Applied Clinical Nutritionist who holds a Masters degree in Oriental Medicine and an additional Master’s degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the University of Bridgeport, which allows her to be nationally recognized as a Certified Nutrition Specialist[1][2][3].
  • She has been specializing in diabetes, hormonal concerns, and weight problems for over 20 years at her clinic, the Merritt Wellness Center[1][3].
  • Dr. Merritt is a respected contributor to various health-focused publications and a sought-after international speaker, teaching physicians about blood sugar and nutritional health[1][6].
  • She is licensed by the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and is nationally board-certified in Oriental Medicine[2][3].
  • Dr. Merritt is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, trained as a specialist in the Keto diet by the American Nutrition Association, and certified in the Bredesen Protocol™ for Cognitive Decline[2].
  • She has published multiple articles on different issues in nutrition and is the author of three books on reversing hypertension using natural means, reversing diabetes, and insomnia[1][3].
  • Dr. Merritt lectures nationally with her husband, Will Mitchell, to healthcare practitioners all over the U.S. and Canada on issues ranging from dementia, diabetes, endocrine dysfunction, blood chemistry, nutrition, and functional medicine[6].
  • She is additionally Board Certified in Bariatric Counseling and certified in the Bredesen MEND Protocol™ [6].

Overall, Dr. Marlene Merritt is a highly qualified and experienced practitioner in the fields of Oriental Medicine, Applied Clinical Nutrition, and Functional Medicine, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise in diabetes, hormonal concerns, and weight problems. She is also a respected author, speaker, and contributor to various health-focused publications.

Smart Blood Sugar dr marlene merrett book with checkmark

Dr. Merritt doesn’t propose a one-size-fits-all solution. She gives detailed steps to tailor the blood sugar control plan to your individual needs.

Dr. Merritt’s book offers a comprehensive approach to blood sugar management. Not just focusing on diet and exercise, it also considers your mental health, stress, and lifestyle. An all-encompassing plan for healthier blood sugar!

Her advice scheduled throughout the book expertly enlightens you about the most understated basics of blood sugar management.

Dr. Merritt’s book offers clear, essential insights into managing your blood sugar. It covers key topics like balancing meals, reducing sugar, and understanding the impact of stress and sleep. 

With current trends showing rapidly increasing numbers of those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, it’s more crucial than ever to educate ourselves about healthful and preventative habits. In this manner, the Smart Blood Sugar book offers the tools to not just manage, but potentially reverse, the impacts of impaired blood sugar control. 

Hands cupping the sun

The Smart Blood Sugar book guides you into a hassle-free transition into better health. Imagine ditching fatigue for a newfound energy.

Dr. Marlene Merritt’s book is not just a compilation of advice, but an exploration of the science behind it all. It gives you a comprehensive insight into why specific foods affect blood sugar levels, the role of insulin in your body, and how irregular blood sugar can lead to weight gain and other health troubles. By understanding the science, you’ll be well-equipped to make better health decisions every day. 

This book doesn’t rely merely on anecdotal evidence; it’s based on firm scientific research.

exercising outdoors portraying a healthy lifestyle

The plan doesn’t rely on pills or injections; it’s all about healthy dietary choices and better lifestyle practices.

n image of an old man and a young man happily engaged in a mind-challenging activity playing chess

Better blood sugar control is linked with improved mental alertness and focus.

smiling senior woman

Stable blood sugar can ease mood swings, enabling you to lead a happier life.

Many users resonant with the scientifically-based, easy-to-understand information, presented in a digestible manner. Plus, the multi-pronged, holistic approach resonates with many, considering not just dietary changes, but also lifestyle and mindset shifts. 

The easiest way to purchase your own copy of the Smart Blood Sugar book is to order directly from the manufacturer. By doing this, you ensure that you are getting the most current edition of the book and that you are supporting the author’s work directly. Click the button below to order now.

  • Free video of a master chef preparing a meal that follows the Diabetes Reversal Recipe
  • 7-Day Meal Plan
  • 99 Foods for Diabetics
  • How To Read a Food Label
  • Carb Count Cheat Sheet
  • Alcohol That Works

Once your order is completed, an immediate download of your digital copy of Smart Blood Sugar will be made available to you with no delay.

For a nominal fee covering shipping and handling, you have the option to acquire a hard copy of the book.

Bonus Information

  • All bonus offers are free with the purchase of Smart Blood Sugar.
  • You can keep the bonus gifts forever, even if you later ask for a refund.
60-Days-Guarantee image

Here’s some good news! When you purchase the Smart Blood Sugar book, you are protected by a 60-day, money-back guarantee. That’s a full two months to decide if Smart Blood Sugar is right for you.

Once you have Dr. Marlene Merritt’s Smart Blood Sugar book, you can start utilizing the tips and strategies outlined in it to achieve a healthier and balanced lifestyle, even with fluctuating blood sugar levels. 

Smart Blood Sugar Pinterest Pin with healthy foods in the background
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplements or making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.

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