The Lost Frontier Handbook is a comprehensive guide to living a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle.

Embrace self-reliance and sustainable living with this comprehensive guide to thriving off the grid. Master the art of creating powerful remedies, preserving food, filtering water, and securing free land in the US. Bonus gifts included!

Product Description

The Lost Frontier Handbook is a comprehensive guide to living a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle. It covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Remedies: How to make powerful medicinal remedies from scratch, including antiseptics, painkillers, and wound treatments.
  • Food Stockpiling: How to preserve and stockpile large quantities of delicious food that never spoils, including meat, canned goods, and wild game.
  • Water Filtration: How to build your own water filter from scratch using parts found in any yard.
  • Free Land in the US: Where to find free land in the United States, covering states as diverse as New York, Alaska, and Colorado.

The handbook also includes bonus gifts, such as:

  • The 80 Square Feet Medicinal Garden: A guide to growing your own medicinal garden in just 80 square feet of space.
  • The Survival Superfoods Handbook: A guide to the most nutritionally balanced and dependable survival recipes.

The Lost Frontier Handbook is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn how to live a more independent and self-sufficient lifestyle.

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