the stockpile savior survival manual book

Prepare for any disaster with “The Stockpile Savior” and survive the first 100 days with confidence.  

Product Description

The Stockpile Savior is a 10-day roadmap to building a bulletproof stockpile. It will help you survive the first 100 days of any disaster.

The roadmap includes information on what to stockpile, where to find it, and how to store it safely.

Mark Anderson, the author of the roadmap, is a 53-year-old veteran who has helped hundreds of people build their stockpiles. He shares his personal story of how he made mistakes while building his stockpile and how these mistakes cost his family a world of pain. He also shares the 3 sneaky moves the government makes before a crisis and how to identify these actions to warn you that a disaster is coming.

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